Alps on a motobike

Map for all bikers

See what Dušan Seikos Hájek and Motosvě did for us

Biker map of the Alpine Roads, where all known and unknown roads, passes and which can help you plan trips to the Alps.

It contains passes such as: Stelvio, Grossglockner, Nockalm, Predil, Solker, Penes, Brenner.

Some routes also contain various information, such as the length of the route, altitude, the price of the motorcycle (if the route is tolled) or the period in which the route is usually open.

What to see

In addition to the classics that perhaps every biker (Stelvio, Grossglockner, Vršič) knows, this map offers a myriad of alpine routes to choose from in Austria, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland and France.

All you have to do is choose whether you want asphalt or gravel. You certainly won’t regret it.


Of course, the map is primarily intended for motorcyclists and therefore the main means of transport should be a motorcycle. But..

I myself went through some of these trips before I bought a motorcycle. Even today, when I go on a trip with my family, we prefer walks and trips along those trips.

It’s just an amazing experience, as the alpine scenery and views are unforgettable.

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